Welcome to the May 2023 Talentis Newsletter – we’ve got lots to share with you!
Since we were last in touch, we’ve delivered a lot! Here are some of the key highlights, with a couple of previews thrown in:
Talentis Search:
Diversity function – the ability to hide candidate names and photos from initial search results to prevent unconscious bias. We’d appreciate feedback on this as we will potentially take this functionality further, if users appreciate it!
Changes to defaults – we now deliver better results by defaulting to “current job only” in all search filters. You can, of course, change this.
Speed and performance improvements – we are searching through more than 550 million profiles and it was taking up to 20 seconds…. We are now back to 2-3 seconds or less for the majority of searches, the majority of the time.
Various UX improvements including the ability to return to the top of the page.
Talentis Reporting:
We can now offer branded and custom reports out of the platform – examples below. Speak to your Customer Success Manager to learn more!
Coming very soon – the ability to write notes in your reports (ie, client commentary) and have this saved back to your Talentis record. A huge time saver – this should arrive imminently.
Outlook Integration:
Log both incoming and outgoing emails via our next generation Outlook add-in. More enhancements to come!
Data Import:
We now offer a concierge spreadsheet import service. Please speak to your Customer Success Manager for more details.
General UX improvements:
Too many to list – but look out for changes to the contact pages – much faster and now featuring our “rollover” views.
Redesign of person record – this is released now but it’s a stepping stone – expect to see far more detailed people records shortly.
Various improvements for mobile access.
Coming soon:
Lots to come but the big news is that we’ll very soon be surfacing company information via the platform – you can expect to see this in May!
Join us:
In May, we’ll be presenting at the ERA conference in London and the HR. Com Talent Acquisition, Diversity and Executive Search event in Phoenix, AZ. We hope to see you at one of these events (we have free tickets for the latter – speak to your Customer Success Manager for details).
As always, we appreciate your support – thank you!