With no newsletter in December, we’ve got a huge amount to share with you in this issue – so jumping straight in:
We’ve now completed the major project to grow and improve the quality of the data in our TalentGraph – this is the data that you access when you use the Talentis search feature.
At the time of writing, we have more than 555 million searchable profiles in our platform (over 150M in the US, 29M in Brazil, 17M in France, 34M in India, 10M in Australia and 6M in South Africa, for example). Every single profile contains public data from multiple sources – typically a public profile from LinkedIn or Bloomberg, perhaps supplemented by company information from PDL or FT.com, geo-location data from Bing, additional URLs from Twitter or Facebook. Some of this information may not be visible within the profile itself, but it underpins our search algorithm – and we also add information from Rocket Reach on demand.
Keep in mind that every profile in Talentis is based on public information – there’s nothing you won’t find in Google. As a result, our users can access any profile regardless of subscriptions and networks elsewhere. There is no concept of “out of network”.
We’ve also added more search filters. Talentis already boasts filters that don’t appear anywhere else (company keywords, for example); we’ve now added new filters including “Years of Experience”, “Years in Current Job” and a unique option to boost diversity recruiting via our “Boost female candidates” option.
You’ll see we’ve also added the ability to make a search “Default” – this is available via the Save feature.
This has been a huge project. At its peak, we’ve been adding or refreshing approximately 1 million profiles per hour. We know that while this was going on – particularly in late November and early December – we had some issues with inconsistent search results but hopefully you’ll agree that was a price worth paying. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this period.
To help you evaluate candidates who appear in search results, we’ve added more information to our result card. You’ll now see up to five current or previous positions, details of multiple industries that the candidate has worked, years of experience data and – where appropriate – information about your relationship with the individual.
We’ve had terrific feedback on our new Word reporting functions – thank you! To the best of our knowledge, we are the only vendor in our space offering an Add-In for Microsoft Word, and it’s good to know you like it. We now have multiple report formats available, split between “Assignment Type Reports” (Longlist, Shortlist and Market Maps) and “Candidate Profile Reports” (for producing Resume type documents).
We’ve made a number of other enhancements, some of which are visible (for example, the addition of a new “Source” status to the candidate page or the new “Contact Support” feature) and others of which are not. However, the latter group includes the underpinning for what comes next including…
The new month or so will see a host of additional improvements. These will include enhancements to the reporting tool (including the ability for us to offer custom report formats to our clients – allowing you to produce branded reports, for example) and the ability to import data into the platform (for example, bringing in contact information to share phone numbers and email addresses around your team). More on these features as they appear. You’ll also soon be seeing our new Add-in for Outlook, which will allow you to update Talentis from inside Outlook.
We’ve got some open training webinars taking place in mid January – feel free to sign up here.
We’ll also be promoting Talentis at a number of executive search and recruiting events over the course of 2023. These include both public and “internal” events – public events include the Recruitment Agency Expo in London in March and the HR.Com Talent Acquisition, Diversity and Executive Search event in Phoenix, AZ in May.
We are also attending a number of “internal” events for executive search networks and associations. If you are part of such a group and feel that your colleagues might be interested in learning more about our platform, we’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for supporting Talentis!