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Talentis Newsletter – August Edition

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Welcome to the August edition of the Talentis newsletter. Read on to learn about recent enhancements to the platform – and what’s coming soon…

Since we last spoke:

We continue to do a lot of work under the bonnet. A major data restructuring is underway, and this will allow us to significantly enhance our search functionality. Expect more on this in our next newsletter. We’ve also made a host of minor changes and improvements.

Other features delivered in late June and July include:

Our new campaign feature is now live. Similar to the Assignment functionality, Campaigns is a flexible tool designed to support the building and management of diverse types of lists. Use cases include both talent pipelining and business development. It’s possible to add a contact to the campaign from within a person record, from Talentis search results, Google results or from inside LinkedIn. More campaign functionality to come!

Based on user feedback, we’ve reduced the space taken by “ignored candidates”. It’s now also possible to “unignore” candidate and make them reappear in a search result.

Coming very soon:

We have lots of functionality ready to launch – some of the following may be live by the time you read this!

Boost Female Candidates

Our data team is currently working on a Proof of Concept to add diversity related functionality to our main search screen. This is a big project and one we need to get right (and, if we can’t, it may never see the light of day!). However, in the meantime we’ve added a useful new X-Ray feature.

Check the video below to see how it works:

Task Management

Very close to completion now – our new dashboard to facilitate management of your tasks and follow-ups. When you’ve tried this, you’ll never want to go back to Outlook tasks, and it’s coming to a homepage near you imminently!

Assignment Candidate List Redesign

Again, entirely based on user feedback – we are reducing the size of the candidate records on the assignment and campaign views. Thanks for the feedback – it looks a lot better!

And in development:

All of the above will be live on the system very soon. Behind the scenes, however, our team is working hard on major functionality which will materialize in September and October. Trust us… Some things are worth waiting for!

Thanks again for supporting Talentis. We’ll be back with more updates next month!

Tags: Executive search software newsletter Recruiting software