Welcome to the April issue of the Talentis newsletter! We’ve got lots to share with you about recent and upcoming developments on the platform, some new on-demand content, and upcoming events where we’d love to see you!
Join us on May 3rd for one of three live sessions of candidate sourcing. We’ll touch on LinkedIn, Google and Talentis and show you the best when and how to search each. Join the LinkedIn Event group here and sign up for your preferred session (all time zones covered!).
We have a development team working across three countries to enhance the Talentis experience for all our users. Minor updates appear on an almost daily basis – here are some more noticeable updates from the last couple of months:
Over the last month, we’ve been doing a lot of work behind the scenes on Talentis, in preparation for some exciting enhancements to come. However, that hasn’t prevented us delivering some much requested new functionality:
● Ignore Viewed Candidates: Probably the most frequently requested feature! Talentis sources so many potential candidates, that it can be challenging to know who you have considered and who you haven’t. To use the ignore feature, go to the search screen, select the assignment, and then simply click “Ignore” on any candidates you’ve reviewed and don’t wish to review again on that assignment. They will be greyed out in search results for that assignment (but not, of course, for others).
● Custom Assignment Tags: It’s now possible to define core competencies on a specific assignment and tag candidates with those competencies. Those Tags subsequently appear on the candidate list, may be filtered on, and are included in an export. Here’s a video showing you how to use Tags:
● Show candidate relationships within Search Results: This is a great feature. When you run a search, it’s now possible for you to see your existing relationship with a potential candidate – see if you’ve added them to other searches, for example. To learn more about the relationship, click the candidate’s name.
● Data Cleaning: One of our under the bonnet changes will lead to a big increase in the velocity of the Talentis data refresh. Phase 1 is live, phase 2 is imminent.
● As we write, our next addition to the search screen is about to go into testing. The ability to exclude candidates with certain keywords is, again, a big feature request – it’s a great tool to reduce the “background noise” in your search results. For example, imagine you are looking for a head of development for an arts organization; the search is for a fundraiser, but if you search for “development” you’ll find people in creative development. In this scenario, you would use the new exclude feature to exclude candidates with the word “creative”.
● Campaigns will allow you to build and store lists of people outside of assignments. This is a major feature. You’ll be able to use this potentially as a way of building candidate pipelines or as a client business development tool. Much of the development is now complete, and you can expect to see the fruits of our work in the next couple of weeks.
● Profile not found messages – we know this is a frustration! This happens when a user searches on Talentis and clicks onto LinkedIn – but receives a “Profile not available” message. It generally happens when a person has changed his / her LinkedIn URL, perhaps as a result of a name change. The best way to find the new profile is to look up in LinkedIn using the person’s first name, company and job title. We mentioned above that we are changing how we refresh our data, and as part of this, we are expecting to dramatically reduce the number of 404 messages our users see. Various options are in testing now, and we’d expect to see results of our change on the live platform in the coming weeks.
● We are also adding further “user onboarding” content to Talentis. Here’s an example – this is a video showing you how to get the most out of our search tool. You’ll see this in the app itself imminently:
● Slightly further down the track, we have… Well, you’ll have to wait and see. Rest assured, however, Talentis is going to be even more powerful, even easier to use and even more sophisticated by the end of Q2!
It was great to meet some of our US clients at the recent SourceCon convention. Our next public event is in the UK when we present Talentis to members of the Executive Research Association in May. In June, we will be presenting to the IRC Global Partners in Barcelona. We are always happy to present Talentis to new audiences, or provide refresher training to new team members – contact us if you’d like to get involved!
Talentis is supported by Ikiru People – the global team behind FileFinder and Voyager Infinity. You can always access support via email here. Need a training session? Book a call here.
Thanks for supporting Talentis. We’ll be back with a further update next month!