After the bumper update in March, we’ve delivered a host of minor enhancements since then – but we have something very big coming in May – read on to learn more!
In terms of user requested enhancements released in the last month or so, you’ll see features such as the ability to use AI to generate a new candidate bio from within a person record (previously only available via our add-in for Word), the ability to update assignment team members via the header bar, improvements to “add to assignment / campaign” and more. We’ve made a number of enhancements around resume parsing (still working on speed!) and have also added an automation to capture PDF downloads from LinkedIn (for use with private and semi-private profiles). Behind the scenes, our new technology architecture is in the final stages of testing and should certainly land in the next month.
So – what’s coming next… Well – it’s been said that Talentis search has revolutionised how recruiters undertake keyword search for candidates. When used properly, it’s streets ahead of other platforms (including LinkedIn Recruiter), in our view.
But what about market mapping and target companies? Frankly, it’s a little “meh” at the moment. Good, but certainly not revolutionary.
That’s about to change as a result of two related features that should arrive before the end of May. Firstly, you’ll see a Target Company tab appear on the Assignment record. This will show all of the companies for which you’ve identified candidates on the assignment, with stats and the ability to see the associated candidates via an expand button… OK… helpful, but nothing special, you are thinking… Keep reading…
We’ve spent some money. We’ve partnered with yet another data provider to transform how users can add people to the assignment. Our new partner combines data from multiple web sources (including Xing and including directories!) to provide information on more than 800 million people (currently TalentGraph “only” has access to 559M!). Our new “Add new person” feature will take advantage of this – you’ll be able to enter a combination of name / company / job title / country and we’ll create a detailed profile for you. No need to leave the platform – and we’ll often be able to find people who aren’t even on LinkedIn!
This data source is different to the main data source we use for search, but by adding this to the platform we believe that we will be offering both the best keyword search and the best market mapping solutions on the market!
Once this is in place, the focus will be on improving our “Client Contact” and “Internal Search” functionality. Lots on the way!
On April 11th, we are running a number of free training webinars for Talentis users. Book your slot here – we are running multiple sessions to cover all time zones, but if you can’t attend, don’t worry – register anyway, and we’ll send you a recording.
Thanks for your support!
The Talentis Team