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Talentis FAQ

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What is executive search software and how is it different from recruitment software?

The executive search process involves a research-based approach to going out and identifying the best candidate (who may not be actively job seeking) for a specific position at a specific organization. 

This is the methodology supported by executive search software and is ideal in any situation requiring the sourcing of “passive candidates”. 

Recruitment software is also more typically used by recruiters who seek to place active job seekers into jobs.  

Examples of executive search software would be Talentis or FileFinder, while an example of recruitment software would be Voyager Infinity

What is a “passive candidate”?

When an organization wishes to find a candidate to fill a strategic or executive position, they will typically wish to hire from as larger talent pool as possible. 

Active job seekers are, by definition, a subset of the entire talent pool. 

Passive candidates are individuals who may not be actively looking for a new role and, as a result, may not be seeing job ads. But they might be open to considering a change of job if approached.

Why is Talentis different from other executive search software?

Traditionally, executive search software has been sold as an “empty box” that the recruiter then fills with information about potential candidates. So, biographical information logged in the database becomes the responsibility of the recruiting firm and will age over time. 

But with Talentis, the entire concept is different. Rather than asking our users to create a “person record” and fill it will biographical information, we use publicly available information about an executive as the core person record. Users then link proprietary (and private) information to those profiles. 

This also allows a user to view the latest information on a person without needing to store large amounts of private information. 

Where does the Talentis TalentGraph store information and where does it come from?

We store and surface very little information on executives. Essentially, our platform is an index of public profiles used to find the most up to date information on an executive – wherever it may be.   

Think of it as being similar to Google or Bing but limited to profiles of people. 

Indeed, as with a search engine, our workflow is designed to help a user quickly find and visit publicly available profiles for the latest information rather than trying to maintain it internally.   

We believe this approach is in the best interests of our users, the original publishers of the person information and – most importantly – the person him or herself. 

All of the information that we do record in the Talentis TalentGraph is collected from publicly available sources.  

A TalentGraph profile of an individual, surfaced in Talentis, may reveal the following elements: 

1. Name 
2. Employment Information 
3. Photo 
4. Multiple associated URLs 
5. We supplement this with company information (industry, size, etc). 

Hence, this data comes from a variety of sources. These include third-party data providers along with data collected or refreshed via the Talentis Chrome Extension.   

Does Talentis share proprietary information from my search firm with other recruiters?

Absolutely not. 

The only information shared by Talentis is publicly available information about people and companies. 

The Talentis TalentGraph stores this information. So we maintain and refresh it on behalf of all of our users.  Any information added to Talentis by a user is available only to recruiters at that user’s firm.

What about contact information (email addresses and phone numbers)?

Talentis does not store or share this information. However, we do have a partnership with a third-party supplier who can provide this data for 250+ million people.   

Our users acquire this directly from the vendor and we do not record it in the Talentis TalentGraph. We do not have access to this information. 

On what legal basis does Talentis collect information?

Talentis is based in Europe and, as a result, operates under the terms of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).  

We collect data on the basis of “Legitimate Interest”. The Talentis privacy policy contains further information. We also comply with the US-EU and US-Swiss Privacy Shield standards as well as individual US state law such as the CCPA.  

Data Protection is important to us and so one of our Directors has the EU GDPR P certification. 

Can a person request deletion from Talentis?


If an individual wishes to be deleted from the central TalentGraph, they should follow the instructions detailed in the Talentis privacy policy.  

Our recruiting clients may also store additional notes about a person, but we do not have access to that – an individual would need to contact individual search firms directly. 

Can an executive provide supplementary information to recruiters?


All Talentis recruiter clients receive access to GatedTalent, which is a free membership platform for executives wishing to share career information with recruiters.  

We encourage executives to create a GatedTalent profile here

What technology is required to run Talentis?

Talentis is a true cloud, browser-based application.  The Chrome extension requires a modern Chromium-based browser, with Google Chrome being our recommendation.   

There is no need for any other download, and so the web app will work on Windows or Mac, as well as mobile. 

Who is behind Talentis?

Talentis is a brand of Ikiru People. Ikiru People provides software and services to recruitment teams around the globe. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dillistone Group Plc, a publicly-traded company on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. 

Tags: Executive search software FAQ